16 Lessons from HR Directors Summit 2016

Moving People to Action

I wrote up a list of lessons that were shared by speakers during the HR Directors Summit last week.

  1. Your learning rate is your earning rate
  2. Uncertainty is always filled by negatives
  3. Catch people doing something right and recognise it immediately
  4. Let leaders do the leading (HR supports leaders in the business, it doesn’t replace them)
  5. One size doesn’t fit all
  6. The competition is outside (it is so common in large companies to fight inside battles)
  7. Diverse teams perform better
  8. People are different
  9. Learn the language of business (which seems to be “put all people proposals in € cost and € impact”, numbers matter.)
  10. Find the talent
  11. Be flexible
  12. Focus and Vision (you must have both)
  13. Tech is getting smaller
  14. Keep your people healthy
  15. Titles matter (but really only to the person who has the title)
  16. Digital natives expect greater control

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About Mark

ummm... a simple guy with a thousand question in my head..

2 responses to “16 Lessons from HR Directors Summit 2016”

  1. Carl D'Agostino says :

    Wise advice. Thank you for your recent follow of my blog.

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